We have identified the following institutions that are functioning very well and that
the people behind these institutions are lifetime devotees of their cause.
Maharogi Seva Samiti - Baba Amte
Established in 1949 by the great humanist Baba Amte, the organization started with
the objective of providing leprosy patients humanitarian relief, medical treatment,
training and rehabilitation. Today it also caters to the needs of the physically
handicapped, visually challenged, deaf & mute, destitute children, |
senior citizens & primitive tribes of the Madia Gond community.
Their motto is “Give them a chance, not charity”. |
Parivaar Education Society
Parivaar is chiefly working for total care and overall development of homeless children. Parivaar Ashram is essentially a
community of children and Resident workers whose only aim is to love and serve the children as their younger brothers and
sisters. |
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Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation.
Shraddha was founded by a psychiatrist couple, Drs. Smitha and Bharat Vatwani, in 1988 to take care of the mentally
ill schizophrenics wandering the streets of India and then reuniting them with their families. Shraddha provides
food, shelter, psychiatric help to the mentally ill and has reunited over 8,000 such wandering individuals with
their families. For these efforts, Dr Bharat Vatwani received the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2018.
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SRIJAN/Buddha Fellowship
SRIJAN�s mission is to empower the rural communities, especially the women, and make them self-reliant. To scale its reach, SRIJAN launched a special initiative � the Buddha Fellowship Program.
The Fellowship seeks to mentor 1,000 talented youth from premier institutions (including IITs and IIMs) to become Development Entrepreneurs � to accelerate the economical upliftment of poor rural population in India.
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Unnati was launched with the core objective of making the socially underprivileged & economically backward youth 'job-ready'
and place them in jobs of the organized sector. The target youth, boys and girls, are those who may not have had formal
education/not studied beyond 10th or 12th standard and have no inclination to study further. This program is implemented
through a 70 day free vocational training. Unnati imparts rigorous training in chosen vocations along with Soft and Life skills,
Values, Spoken English and Computers.
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Vicharta Samuday Samarthan Manch (VSSM)
Vicharta Samuday Samarthan Manch (VSSM) has been working with Nomadic (Banjaras)and De-Notified and deprived communities of Gujarat for their social, financial, academic upliftment since last 2010.
Their objective is to empower these marginalized communities in Gujarat and enable them to live a dignified life. The organization works in 18 districts of
Gujarat and has impacted the lives of over 375,000 nomads.. VSSM also works towards environment conservation in Banaskantha by conducting activities such as lake de-silting and tree plantation.
Snehalaya - Ahmednagar
Snehalaya is an outstanding example of how youth in the country can make a difference in the lives of the poorest & the most
neglected segments of society. Established in 1989, this organization focuses on women and children who are victims of
commercial sexual exploitation. |
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Mahan Trust
Mahan is the only organization dedicated to providing medical facilities to tribal population of Melghat. Melghat is a hilly forest
area in the Satpuda mountain ranges, where medical facilities are grossly inadequate (Doctor Patient ratio is one doctor per
10,000 people). The project is mainly managed by a young dedicated Dr. couple – Dr. Ashish Satav (MD-Medicine) and his wife
Dr. Kavita Satav (M.S.-Optholmology). |
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Samaj Pragati Sahayog
SPS was founded by a dedicated group of professionals - scientists & experts in different disciplines, who about 20 years ago,
gave up lucrative careers to live with the poorest of the poor, the most marginalized, oppressed and exploited tribal
communities of India. SPS believes that location-specific watershed development combined with low-cost, low-risk agriculture,
other nature-based livelihoods and women-led micro finance, can dramatically raise rural incomes, providing an enduring
panacea to the suicide-ridden drylands. |
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Atmashakti Trust
Atmashakti which means 'strength of the soul' is working with 300,000 families in Orissa (now Odisha) who are mainly
from tribal and dalit communities. Atmashakti's mission is to enable these underprivileged families to access their
entitlements from the government and bring them out of poverty and stop migration. |
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Samaritan Help Mission
Started by 32 year youth, Mamoon Akhtar, a librarian affected by polio in his left hand. He started the mission with few of his
friends, who were all slum dwellers, in 1999 with the motto HELP PEOPLE ON NEED NOT ON CREED to save the slum children from
falling prey to the drug mafia. |
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PRAYAS’ is an institution dedicated to work for the marginal sections of community, to provide them proper develop mental
opportunities & try to relieve some of their pains. Prayas believes that equilibrium in all four dimensions of health – Physical,
Mental, Social & Spiritual, is an essential prerequisite for actualization of innate human potential and the contentedness in life.
Dr. Avinash Saoji regularly conducts free camps all over Maharashtra and trains people in the Art of Holistic Living. |
HEALTH & CARE FOUNDATION (formerly the Polio Foundation) runs a charitable hospital in Ahmedabad, India with units for Pediatric Orthopedics,
Scoliosis, Screening of breast & Cervical Cancer, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Diabetes, Juvenile diabetes, Ophthalmology, etc. Appreciating the
dedication and service to the needy patients, the state government has declared the hospital as District's Early Intervention Center for treatment
of congenital birth defects for 0 to 18 years of children. HCF also arranges outreach screening camps in rural areas to reach out to the rural population.
On an average they serve more than 100,000 patients per year in the hospital by OPDs and conduct around 8,000 Surgeries in a year - mostly for congenital Birth defects.
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Sri Badrika Ashram Youth Scholarship and Mentorship Program
Sri Badrika Ashram Scholarship and Mentorship Program provides scholarships for quality undergraduate education and professional
mentorship for need and merit-based students from rural Himachal Pradesh. This can help reduce the high dropout rate for undergraduate education.
In 2021-22, the scheme funded 92 such students, and 78% of them were girl students. The scheme targets to provide support to 3000 students/year
within 5 years.
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Center for Collective Development
Center for Collective Development (CCD) was set up in 2004 to replicate the AMUL model in the agriculture, non-dairy sector.
It works with over 42,000 farmers in the states of AP, Telangana, Maharashtra and Jharkhand. Incomes of small famers has gone up
significantly through collectivization into Cooperatives, processing, value addition, better marketing, reduction of agriculture
input costs, adoption of sustainable and organic methods of agriculture, and water conservation. The farmer Federation in Adilabad,
Telangana has received a National Award for best Farmer Federation. The Federation in Anantapur, AP was given an Award for Excellence
by Flipkart because it has consistently provided high quality products to them on time.
CCD has also launched a brand called Farmveda. It offers healthy, nutritious, preservative free foods including ready to eat and ready
to cook items. The profits are shared with the small farmers. With over 100 million such farmers in India, the need is huge and so
could be the impact of CCD's work.
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Malvi Educational and Charitable Trust
Malvi Educational and Charitable Trust (MECT), runs Shantaba Vidyalaya - a residential school started with 32 students in 2005 and currently provides
education (preschool to 12th grade) to about 700 tribal students. Approximately 35% of the students of the school are either orphans or children of a
single parent and 65% of the students are girls. 90% of the families of the tribal area of Gujarat where MECT operates are either small farmers or
landless laborers.
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Sankalp Ek Prayas
SANKALP primarily provides supplementary/complementary education to children in economically backward rural areas. The program primarily works with underprivileged and deserving students through after-school support centers which run in evening/morning.
The parents of these children are mostly laborers, farmers, and domestic helps and are unable to support the educational needs of their children.
The inability of parents to guide their children coupled with their illiteracy adds to the poor performance in their studies. SANKALP provides classes in Science, Math and English for marginalized children in the rural areas.
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Ugam Education Foundation
With a vision to ensure every girl receives an empowering education, Ugam is currently focused on the state of Jharkhand. Ugam works at the level of State/district education systems,
government schools (that support tribal and marginalized girls) and individual girls to address these challenges. Their two core programs are - support
creation of Model Residential Schools through the enhancement of shiksha (learning), shakti (health and wellness) and abhivyakti (voice and agency).
The second core program -- Sashakti Fellowship is a program for young, rural women to empower them and create local leadership.
Ugam is currently in 24 districts of Jharkhand- 250 residential schools reaching 75000 girls.
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Mantra4Change�s mission is to eliminate educational poverty from the country. It is attempting to do it with a three-fold approach, by enabling the government/public education system,
transforming the schools and inspiring other organizations working effectively towards quality education in India. With Mantra4Change�s efforts, the education system in the State of
Punjab has emerged as number 1 in country from number 27 in just 3 years.
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Centre for Eco-centric Development And Peoples'-action (CEDAP)
Centre for Eco-centric Development And Peoples'-action (CEDAP) is a technical organization consisting of professionals like architect, civil engineer, planner, and social worker. It has been conducting education programs for building artisan, especially masons and bar-benders to help
them build durable, long lasting and disaster resilient buildings. It has been working in non-urban areas primarily on issues of shelter, and sanitation for over three decades. The long-term sustainability and disaster
risk mitigation for the given context provide the basis for its approach, designs, field interventions, and publications. It is based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat., but has been working all across India.
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Nanritam's vision is to see the underprivileged in remote and neglected areas live healthy, purposeful and active life – a life they can command themselves, free of the shackles of poverty, ill-health and illiteracy. It runs an Lokeswarananda Eye Hospital, Filix School of Education, an outreach program providing education support to about 50,000 children and training support to about 1200 teachers, and a Nutri-ed program that promotes zero hunger in classrooms.
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Rightwalk Foundation
RightWalk strongly believe that a level playing field which ensures equal access to the opportunities to everyone brings in the maximum benefits for the people, and hence, forms the basis of an equitable, inclusive, and socially just society. RightWalk is focused on Right to Education, Social Inclusion, Post Admission Support, Girl Child Scholarship and providing Apprentice opportunities to the youth.
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Open Links Foundation
OLF's focus is on improving quality of education by supporting and motivating Teachers. Their approach is to build a motivated teacher community and improve Efficiency & Accountability in the Government Education System
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Ramakrishna Mission Cherrapunji
Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Sohra (Cherrapunjee) is one of the shining examples which has been trying to give a practical shape of Swami Vivekananda's ideals in the challenging and extreme climate of Sohra. This Mission Centre has been unabatedly carrying welfare service activities during its long journey over eight decades and at present it has become like a huge banyan tree in the whole of the North Eastern Region. Presently the Ashrama is running multiple Schools with about thousands of tribal students located all over the State of Meghalaya. It is also running two hostels (for boys and girls), one charitable clinic, two mobile medical units, one Tailoring- Weaving center, one Computer Training Centre and providing many other services to the community it serves.
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Borderless World Foundation
BWF works in education, health care, and women's empowerment. The organization runs four homes for girls who have lost their parents in the armed conflict in Kashmir Valley, during Kargil War and 2005 Kashmir earthquake. BWF supports girls' education, vocational training and mentoring to live a purposeful life.
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