Baba Amte’s Maharogi Sewa Samiti (Anandwan)
Cause: Treatment & rehabilitation of Leprosy Patients & people with physical challenges & uplifting tribals of Madia Gond Community.
Profile: Established in 1949 by the great humanist Baba Amte,
the organization started with the objective of providing leprosy patients humanitarian relief, medical treatment, training and rehabilitation.
Today it also caters to the needs of the physically handicapped, visually challenged, deaf & mute, destitute children, senior citizens &
primitive tribes of the Madia Gond community.
Their motto is “Give them
a chance, not charity”. With this in perspective, they engage all the inmates in productive activities
(mainly agriculture / horticulture / small scale industry activities, handicrafts etc) which enable them to partly
earn their livelihood and maintain self dignity and respect. Funds are required mainly for purchase of modern
equipments in order to augment the production in agriculture (which is the main source of livelihood for most
of the inmates), small scale industry & to meet part of the recurring expenses.
Resources: Presently, MSS in Anandwan and other centers provides support for more than 2000 individuals.
There was a time when MSS was almost entirely self-sufficient. While it received outside grants for capital investment projects,
it was able to provide food, clothing and shelter for its residents from its agricultural income. With delayed government
grants, skyrocketing medical costs and an ageing population, MSS is facing new financial challenges.
Arpan's Participation: The goal is to have steady stream of funds to reduce the financial uncertainties of MSS.
Initial target is to secure Four families committing dollar a day totaling $120 per month. (Approx. Rs. 5,000 per month). In the
second phase adopt a room/s and/or patients and continue to provide ongoing support. In the third phase, provide agricultural
and/or equipment securing funds from a major contributor.
ARPAN is, and will continue on an ongoing basis to be in touch with Dr. Vikas Amte and finalize the details of each phase.
For more details about MSS and its planned projects, please
Click here.